Golden Ratio Calculator

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How it works

There are two scenarios the calculator is designed for. The first is that you have a column with a certain width (perhaps to achieve a nice word:line ratio). You wish to find a matching column. Type in the width and use the left side, which gives you both a smaller and larger column.

The second scenario is that you have a container and wish to divide it in two. Type in the container width and use the right side measurements.

To see how you can use the golden ratio in your design work, check out this article.


I expect to have a bit of time to update various parts of the site in the near future. Specifically adding some kind of "how-to" feature. But for now, as per request the calculator works with GET in the URL, such that will work as you'd expect. I'm not sure how useful this is; I just do what I'm told. Cheers.

Golden Ratio Gadget

For all you PC fans out there, Mike Brady took the time to port the Golden Ratio Widget into a Windows sidebar gadget. You can download the file here. Please note that support for this will be limited, as no PCs are employed in this household. Cheers.

Golden Ratio Widget released!

The Golden Ratio Calculator is now even easier to use as a desktop widget for the Mac. The widget features all the capabilities of the online version, with instant calculations performed as you type. Like the website, you can match columns or split a container into two columns. Download it and check it out now, and if you like it, why not buy me a coffee. Thanks!

Update: Version 1.5 is available now. The widget is now 23% smaller and is a little easier to use. Grab it at the link above.

Re-design & Coding Overhaul

The Golden Ratio Calculator is sporting a new look and a streamlined code base. The ratios are now calculated as you type, without having to press a submit button. As well, error handling gets rid of any problems with non-numerical inputs. The new layout is more simple and golden, with a sidebar for golden ratio-related links ads. Hopefully the changes are well received.


Nick Taylor hand-crafts these awesome Golden Mean Calipers.